This week was transfer week. The Assistants made a joke about us being transferred to Poland, but we're staying here in Hull.
So, Niedziela (Sunday) I sat by Leigh, the man who I baptized back in September time. He's doing great and serving as a Young Men’s assistant. He's also going to university to try and be an engineer.
Sadly, Piotr wasn't able to be baptized yet because he doesn't have permission from his wife in Poland, but the door isn't shut. She simply wants to find out more about what he is getting into before she'll let him get baptized. He's told us he feels the spirit at church, and he loves to come and to talk with us and to read the Book of Mormon. David was baptized; he's quite an amazing individual. He said that he couldn't be happier after his baptism and he looked like it as well. He's doing really well and fitting in with the young single adults in the ward. He even told us that in a few years he might like to serve on a mission. He's 21 now, so he could make it if he would want to. I'm really happy for him. On Sunday he was confirmed a member and given the gift of the Holy Ghost. And then he was interviewed and given the Aaronic Priesthood after church! Also, Danny, the man who was baptized and then confirmed last week was given the priesthood. It really has been a happy week for us and there's still more good stuff to come.
I'm really excited for the New Year. Things are going good. I feel that many amazing things are going to happen soon amongst the Polish people here in Hull. Hull really is a beautiful city. It's sad how you get attached to a certain Elder and then it's time for them to leave, same with a place. One thing is that I probably won't leave Hull for a long time, and because I've been here so long it's growing on me, I really do like it here. I can think of all the amazing people I've met so far and all the amazing miracles. You know, God really is a God of miracles.
I know that this is where I'm supposed to be right now, there's someone that I'm supposed to become, Heavenly Father has a plan on what I can learn and who I can become. It's like that Mormon Message about the currant bush and the farmer. God knows what we can be, so he gives us experiences to grow to that if we choose his will. I like Nephi am grateful for loving parents who have helped me already to grow to who I am today; the beautiful thing is I'm not done growing.
Love you much,
Starszy Ressler