Mansfield - April 1, 2014

Yea this week has been good.

On Monday we went to Newstead Abbey, though we didn't get to go inside (except for a gift shop). The gardens around were really beautiful. I bet they are even more so in the summer though.

I'm sending you a lot of pictures. I loved the Abbey! I took loads of pictures.

Our investigators are great. On Tuesday we took Alan to the Family History Centre (the church) and it had a really positive impact on him. He is now planning to go to places where his ancestors are buried and fill in some of the missing holes in his family history. He also could remember a lot of names and dates which made me really impressed.

We taught the first English class and it was good. Two people showed up, but I liked that, because we could work a lot more personally with those two people. I really like teaching English I find it extremely fun. I love speaking Polish, for some reason it just makes me really happy. Even if the person is rude or just not interested, I still just love speaking to Polish people. My Polish isn't perfect, but it's alright, they can understand me and I understand most of what they say.

So this week was transfer calls and something exciting has happened. Elder Hill is going to Grimsby. And I am now going to serve with Elder Mullen again. And the two of us are going to train a new Polish speaking missionary on the 16th of April. Well Elder Mullen will train him, I'm just assisting I think. But I'll get to end my mission in a fun and interesting way (training my replacement).

I think that we are going shopping today, I might find a suit or something. I'm not too worried about my suitcase weight, there is a lot of stuff I don't really need to bring home that I can give to other missionaries. I'm not 100% positive, but I think I'll be alright. Also, I didn't bring with me a carryon bag and I bought a duffle bag for exchanges and P-days and I can fill that up with stuff.

We got a referral last week. It was in a village super far away, down south. It took most of our day traveling there and back. In fact, it's pretty much on the boarder of our mission. But it was worth it, we taught the man the Restoration, and he listened and soaked it all up. I don't usually see people do that or be too interested like that when we teach. So I liked it. It'll be interesting to go back, except it's super far away. In fact I don't even know if he knew where Mansfield was.... The closer city to him is Nottingham which is out of our mission.

I'm so excited for General Conference! There's still so much work for me to do. We're still working hard.

Love you loads,

Starszy Ressler